44-60 Richardshaw Lane, Pudsey, LS28 7UR +441133227737 ist.yss@istresourcing.com


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Our Aim

We aim to provide a safe and supportive environment to Vulnerable Children and Young People, with the aim to prepare them for a fulfilled, Independent and productive life in their Communities.

Our Mission

It is extremely important to IST Youth Support Services that young people have the best possible start to life, therefore as a Leaving Care Service we have a number of values and aims to help young people have a happy and successful life.

We aim to be honest and open and to deliver a service that will enable young people to succeed and grow within society. IST YSS believes in equal opportunities in everything we do and will not unfairly discriminate against anyone. We accept all young people for who they are and will help and support them to achieve their aims and goals in life. We aim to do this with understanding, respect, and commitment without judging. We are committed to proper preparation and care planning.

Every young person receiving a service has a plan that accurately reflects how their short, medium, and long-term needs will be met. Our aim is that all our young people are sufficiently prepared for adult life whilst under the care of IST YSS. IST YSS takes into account ‘parallel planning’ for asylum seekers who have not been given indefinite leave to remain, so that they are given the opportunity to prepare for remaining in the UK or for returning to their country of origin if their asylum application is refused.

Our Value

Equal Opportunities & Respect

We believe that every person is different but equal, and that everyone’s unique talent should be recognised and encouraged.

Encouraging Young People To Fulfil Their Potential

We all need encouragement at some time in life. IST YSS aims to create opportunities for people to make the most of their abilities.

Exercising Responsible Stewardship

The commitment of our staff making the best use of all our resources enables us to help young people and their families.

Our Commitment

1. To always provide the highest standards of support with a caring, kind, and nurturing approach, and to consistently encourage the development of opportunities for our young people and our staff team.

2. To provide first class supported living services according to each young person’s needs and the requirements of the local authority.

3. To ensure our homes offer a comfortable, safe, and welcoming environment; one in which we would be happy to treat our own families.

4. To provide opportunities for young people to share their views, feedback, compliments, and complaints.

5. To create a supportive environment in which to facilitate each young person’s access to education or vocational training, and to support them on to a diverse range of employment and apprenticeship opportunities.

6. To support young people with leaving local authority care and making the transition into independent adult life when they are ready.