44-60 Richardshaw Lane, Pudsey, LS28 7UR +441133227737 ist.yss@istresourcing.com

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Children & Young People Services

Our Post-16 housing provides accommodation and support for 16–17-year-old care leavers and homeless young people. It offers dedicated support to help young people develop essential life skills as they prepare for independence.

This service assists young people who may be in their first steps of leaving care. It is also suitable for short term crisis accommodation due to homelessness and family breakdowns.

Trained staff are available 24 hours per day either in person or via outreach to support the young people to complete specific targets in order to assess their level of independence needs.

During their stay young people will learn about budgeting, shopping, cooking, washing, training, or further education, getting a job, making and keeping appointments, paying bills, form filling, accessing services, talking to professionals and most importantly managing a home.

Staff can also assist and facilitate family group conferences for young people where this relationship may have broken down.

We Offer:

Flexible and responsive accommodation and support for young people aged 16 to 17+.

A safe and secure environment, offering 24 hours staff support a day, 7 days a week.

Outcome-focussed support aimed at improving the life chances through AQA units and the DofE Bronze award. Practical learning will be on a one-to-one and group basis to help young people gain the skills they will need to live a positive independent future.

Support to stay in or get into full time education, training or employment and a focus on healthy living.

Measure progress through use of the Outcomes Star, which demonstrates the young person’s distance travelled towards independence.

Opportunities for young people to work together and get involved in their local community.

A well-equipped computer room and communal area.

We are able to accept planned and emergency referrals.